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Technical solution for rice high output

From:chinabaicao Time:2016-05-20 10:53

Take rice planting in Yellow river middle and downstream as instance.
In April,keypoints in preparation period before planting.
1.Plaughing,fertilizing,seed selection.
1).Plaughing the field and fertilizing, For base fertilizer, organic fertilizers are given priority and comply with the chemical fertilizers.
2)Straw treatment, the straw treatment should be finished by end of April for decreasing the infectious risk of insect pests and bacterias.
3)Seed selection and solarizing,select  appropriate seeds with characters of high output and good immunity according to local situation, The seeds should be solarized before sowing,it will kill some bacterias in seeds and increase germination rate.but do not solarize the seeds on the cement ground.
2.Prevention the insect pests and diseases, In this period, the main task is how to prevent the insect pests and diseases, The detailed methods as below:
1)In sheath blight occurred field, salvage the residue during plaughing firstly, then deep bury or burn out.
2)The field once was seriously outbroken the rice borers,not be suitful as green manure seedbed.
3)Clear all hogweeds in the field and surroundings  when plaughing.
4)Prevention diseases caused by rice virus.
In May,keypoints in seedling incubation period.
1.Soaking seeds for speeding up germination, enhancing the fertilizers and water management to foster the strong seedling and doing the preparation well before field fertilizing.
2.Prevention of Diseases and insect pest, especially attention the seedling rot, bacterial blight, rice stripe etc.
(1)For seedling rot:Mixing chlorothalonil with soil to spread in seedbed and spraying the Bailu No.4 and Baiclean(3% Oligo Saccharin) to seedbed soil after seedling emergence.
(2)For bacterial blight and rice stripe: soaking seeds in 3% Oligo Saccharin solution(dilution rate 500) 10-15mins,It will get good effect to kill the bacterias in seeds.
In June,keypoints in transplanting period.
1.Plaughing, fertilizing, transplanting and the management of water and fertilizers etc.
(1)Rational fertilizing, recommending balancing fertilizers,Do not fertilize the Nitrogen fertilizers only, increasing the Potassium and Zinc fertilizers.
(2)Plaughing carefully, Transplanting in shallow water can promote the seedling emergence.
(3)Rational close planting according to the soil types and kinds.
In this period,fertilizing,weeding,prevention of rice akagare and promoting tillering are main tasks. Advise to apply herbicide,Spraying Bailu No. 1 and Baiclean (3% oligo Saccharin) to the surface of leaves.
2.Prevention of diseases, insect pests and weeds: rice blast, rice stripe, rice stem borer, yellow stem borer, rice plant skipper, rice leaf roller and weeds etc.
In July,keypoints in tillering and young spike growth period
1.Improve the management of water and fertilizers, Do not fertilize the Nitrogen fertilizers only and weeding in time.
2.Prevention of diseases and insect pests:
Sheath blight, rice blast, rice stripe, rice stem borer, yellow stem borer,virus,thrips,rice leafhopper etc.spray Baicao No. 7 (10% Nitenpyram AS) or Pymetrozine , 
Buprofezin; and 5%Validamycin to prevent rice planthopper,cut down the route of transmission of rice blast, virus diseases etc,It will get good effect to control the development of diseases infection and insect pest damage.

3.Bacterial blight:The management of water in field must abide by following principles: irrigating shallow water oftenly,drainage via canal timely,solarizing the field in proper time, The best condition of the field is moisture and dry alternately. In fertilizing, sufficient base fertilizers, after manuring ASAP,supplementary fertilizers flexible, Fertilizing the Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus fertilizers respectively in proper time. In the early stage of disease, spray 30g Bailu No.1 or 1050ml Baian and 600ml Baiclean (3% oligo Saccharin) to leaf surface.
4.Rice blast and virus diseases: apply Anvir(1% Fungous Proteoglycan SL)and Baiclean(3% Oligo Saccharin) to prevent diseases in young seedling stage.
5. Rice stem borer, yellow stem borer: apply awei.shachongdan or 3% Emamectin Benzoate to prevent.
6. Thrips,rice leafhopper and planthopper:apply Baicao No. 7 (10%Nitenpyram AS) or Pymetrozine , 
Buprofezin to prevent.

7. Rice shell pest and rice leaf roller:3% Emamectin Benzoate or 1.8%Abamectin to prevent.
In Auguest,keypoints from booting stage and heading period.
1. Improve the management of water and fertilizers, improve tillers growth and increase the kenels.In this period, attention to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, can spray Bailu No.1 and Alga Grow Boron to leaf surface respectively in booting stage and full heading stage.At the same time apply a little quantity high potassium content compound fertilizers.
2.Prevention of diseases and insect pests: sheath blight, false smut,yellow rice borer,leafhopper,rice planthopper etc.
(1).Sheath blight: Spray Validamycin and Baiclean(3% Oligo Saccharin) to leaf surface before crevasse appearance or the early stage of disease. Then spray again after 5 days.
(2)False smut:spray Baiclean(3% Oligo Saccharin) and Alga Grow Boron to the leaf surface 5-10days before heading, Then spray again after 5 days.
(3)Yellow stem borer, leafhopper,rice planthopper: apply Baicao No. 7 (10%Nitenpyram AS) or Pymetrozine, Buprofezin and Abamectin+Monosultap to prevent.
In September, keypoints in Fruiting period.
1.Improve the management of soil moisture, prevent lodging and increase the kenel weight.
Spray Bailu No.1 and Alga Grow Boron in Full heading stage and mist spray to the leaf surface in rice filling stage. It will increase the TKW,promote the kenel enrichment, decrease empty abortive rate, and keep the leaves away from premature. Finally realize the output increasing
2.Prevention of bacterial blight, rice leaf roller, rice plant skipper, yellow stem borer and Nilaparvata lugens etc.The Prevention method is same with in August.
In October,keypoints in harvest period.
1.Harvest in proper time and store them in right way.
2.Prevention of the diseases and insect pest in warehouse, apply spinosad SC in granary.
This technical solution for rice high output can increase the rice output and farmer’ income,the requests for pesticides and water grade are economical and acceptable. The detailed method of application should be subjected to the local water grade, spraying method and weather condition, would do related adjustment for pesticide quantity and dilution rate in time.